Knot Theory at University of Waterloo, September 24

This event was put together by executives of the Pure Math Club. Its principle organizers are Edgar Bering and Ifaz Kabir. It is interesting to note that the Pure Math Club was the first to initiate the rotating nature of these FUN workshops. It was last November that they held a conference on Combinatorics and Optimization, which marked the first non-GTA FUN event.

Mr. Bering had made quite an impression with the recent issues of the Waterloo Math Review. Waterloo has been host to many different activities in undergraduate mathematics. In particular, they hosted the 17th Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference in 2010 which had the largest attendance in the conference’s history.

There will be two locations for bus pick-ups on the way to Waterloo that morning. The Fields Institute at the University of Toronto St. George’s campus, and McMaster University.

Please contact if you are planning to use this bus.

Hope to see you soon!


About cerezo

Founder and Main Organizer for the Fields Undergraduate Network Will be using this blog on a regular basis
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