FMS12: Days 1 and 2 – Updates and Highlights

So this week has been a little busy, to say the least. Blogging about every single lecture in real time was not possible, however I will be blogging each day following the conference to highlight the work of one of the medalists.

Some highlights from the week so far, the Public Event was a huge success with a turnout of nearly 400 people. We received a message that Ontario’s Premier resigned early in Monday evening, but nonetheless our political guests Bob Rae and Glen Murray showed great support for the initiatives of the Fields Institute. Profs. Ngo and Arthur made the ideas of the Langlands Programs quite presentable that even my brother, cousin, and mother enjoyed watching! The links will be soon posted here.

The Student Event sold out of tickets and we had about 100 online viewers. We hope that you enjoyed the event and we’re very happy for our stars. A special thank you goes to Zach Paikin who kept the panel discussion very lively.Video links for this will also be posted here within the next day or so.

There is still a bit of running around to do today, but I should be able to begin blogging about the lectures starting on Thursday.



About cerezo

Founder and Main Organizer for the Fields Undergraduate Network Will be using this blog on a regular basis
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